The albumen print

The albumen print is the unquestionable queen of the 19th century, a technique  that was used to produce dozens of millions of photographs all over the world. It was a technique that was so popular that it remained in regular use for nearly a hundred years, despite the invention of methods that were more modern, more ‘perfect’ and easier to use.

If you’d like to learn the intricacies of this amazing photographic process and get the skills and knowledge required to start working independantly, join my online workshop. During the four hours of the video conference you will:

  • learn to prepare your albumen,
  • find out why some albumen papers are better than the others,
  • learn to choose paper for albumen printing,
  • learn to coat your paper with albumen,
  • learn to sensitize the albumen paper,
  • learn basic methods of controling the contrast of albumen prints,
  • learn to prepare digital negatives for albumen printing,
  • learn to establish the correct exposure time,
  • learn to judge the exposure of the print,
  • learn to correctly process the albumen print,
  • learn the basics of archival processing,
  • learn to prepare images for presentation.

The workshop, like all our other online workshops, will be held in the form of a video conference which will enable the participants to ask questions and share observations thus getting as close as possible to the atmosphere of working together in the darkroom.

The workshop is suitable for photographers with no previous experience in albumen printing or alternative photographic processes but because of the range of material covered it will also be ideal for those who have already started their adventure with the process and would like to improve the results they achieve.

Instructor: Radosław Brzozowski

Duration: 4 godziny

Price: 120 PLN (approx 25 eu)

Date: 22nd June, 2022, 5 p.m. CET

Language: English

Link to buy

1 Comment

  1. Thanks so much for this Wonderfull and complete workshop.
    Very clear, going from A to Z. Can’t wait to participate in the advance one!
    Highly recommended A++++++


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