Booking a workshop

Booking a workshop

The single unifying idea that connects all our workshops and photographic trips is their highes quality and this in turn means individual treatment offered to all the participants as well as constant involvement on the part of instructors. It also necessitates work in small groups so that we can divide our attention among a limited number of participants and ensure that everyone gets sufficient attention and assistance. This in turn forces us to impose limits on the number of participants for each event. In order to ensure that a place is booked for you please contact us at: Please notice that booking a workshop later than 30 days before it commences incurs and extra cost of 30 eu TSF-Trójmiejskie Studio Fotografii Radosław Brzozowski 56 1090 1102 0000 0001 0858 3223 We also accept paypal; please contact us for...


Join the world of photographers passionate about the old photographic processes and take part in our workshop devoted to monochromatic gumprinting. Here you will discover the magic of the old processes, of photographs literally painted with a brush on pre-reated paper. Of photographs as painterly as no other prints, subtle and yet powerful. you will learn the trade of masters such as Steichen or Demachy. Gum bichromate is one of the oldest photographic techniques, older than the silver gellatine print most of us know. At the same time it is a pictorial technique, allowing the photographer a considerable degree of freedom of manipulation while creating the final print and thus enabling him to create visual effects unavailable in other techniques. It was, one could argue, created as an antidote to the mechanical perfection of reproduction and lack of ability to manipulate the resulting image in the other early photographic processes and as such it still works perfectly in the age of mechanical perfection of digital photography.   As it requires much more work than silver or iron based techniques, gumprint was, with time, almost entirely replaced by the much less time consuming silver gellatine print which, in turn, lost its position to digital images. Yet today, when we have become tired of the super saturated, technically perfect digital images, gumprint has once more proved to be a perfect solution. Gum bichromate prints are unique and even their author is unable to make an identical copy; a quality that makes gumprints highly collectible and increases their value. The time and work required to create a single print also foster a special emotional reaction with...
workshops unlike anything else – about us

workshops unlike anything else – about us

It is enough to key ‘photographic course’ into a search engine and we will get hundreds if not thousands of links to courses, workshops and schools of all descriptions. Then why should we think anyone will choose us? The reasons are many: first of all what we invite you to take part in are workshops unlike anything else, workshops devoted to historical processes in photography. The range of workshop and field trips we have prepared is unique in Europe and the only one that gives an opportunity to master all the essential photographic techniques that preceded digital photography. This choice of subject is not accidental; historical photography has long been our passion and the chosen method of work; our knowledge has been gathered over years of research, experimentation and practical work. Most workshops are taught by Radosław Brzozowski, an alternative photography passionate, owner of one of the largest libraries devoted to alt processes. He is currently responsible for research and quality in Alternative Photographic Products, the only supplier of materials for historical photography in Poland and Central Europe. He also teaches historical processes in the Tricity School of Photography in Sopot and is the author of a bestselling book on nude photography “Fotografia Obnażona” (Photography Exposed). What is most important, he works using alt processes on a daily basis. The next reason is our long experience in teaching. All our tutors are not only expert photographers, authors of exhibitions, albums and books on photography, but first of all experienced teachers supervised by Radosław Brzozowski, a teacher by training and experience (nearly twenty years of teaching career in one of...
Platinum and palladium printing

Platinum and palladium printing

Take part in our only workshop devoted to the most luxurious of all iron based processes and learn the secrets of making photographs using platinum salts the way it was done by the greaters masters of photography.  Learn the magic of historical photography, of working with self made light sensitive materials and learn to make prints with one of the most beautiful photographic processes, prints that will be both exquisitely subtle and outstandingly permanent. Platinum print and its sister technique palladium print are among the oldest, rarest and most permanent photographic techniques. They enable the artist to create pictures of amazing tonality, really unique ones of amazing permanence, limited only by the permanence of the paper they are made on. Small wonder this was the technique of choice of such masters as Edward Steichen or Irwin Penn. We’ve prepared a workshop which will enable participants to learn the intricacies of the process and start their own, independent work, taught by Radosław Brzozowski. who brought the process back to life in post war Poland. During the workshop you will learn the necessary recipes as well as to prepare negatives, sensitize papers, control contrast of your prints and, above all, to work independently The programme of the  workshop covers: a theoretical introduction, presentation of platinum prints, preparing a digital negative for platinum printing tips on developing large format negatives for platinum printing, making palladium prints, making multilayered palladium prints, methods of preventing paper shrinkage and curling, print presentation,   All the participants will be privided with: chemicals required for platinum and palladium printing, papers appropriate for platinum and palladium printing, all materials...
Pictorial photography – gumprint

Pictorial photography – gumprint

Pictorial photography – gumprint is one of the richest, most complete gumprinting workshops covering all key aspects of both monochromatic and colour gumprintng. Despite the fact over a hundred years have passed since its heyday, pictorial photography is still immensely popular, one could actually say it enjoys a revival. Pictorial pictures are delicate, romantic with this unmistakeable note of dreaminess and nostalgy. Many photographers, more or less consciously, try to stay within pictorial aesthetics, whether their photography is digital or classical, as this often leads to the creation of interesting photographs. Unfortunately, digitally made pictorial photographs hardly ever can match up to the original work of masters, at least partly due to the limitations of the technique itself. Our four day workshop will offer an opportunity to come closer to the original methods of the Old Masters as the pictures created during it will be made using similar equipment and  techniques. Unlike most workshops devoted to gumprinting, this is a complete course with intensive practice covering all issues connected with gumprinting. This means we will not only cover monochromatic gumprinting but also making full colour prints and combining gumprint with iron based processes. The programme of our four-day workshop covers: an overview of the work of most important pictorialists/gumprinters, review/introduction of the most important pictorial techniques, especially gum bichromate, cyanotype and platinum combined with gumprint preparing papers for gumprinting, practical work on making a monochromatic picture; both single and multi-layered, learning to manipulate the gumprinted image, practical work on making full colour gumprints, making prints using the combination of cyanotype and gumprint, an overview of photographs taken during the...